EXERCISETake a look at this text:


Primavera é época de morango no Brasil, o que significa que de agosto a outubro é possível se encontrar os morangos mais suculentos e deliciosos, além de bem vermelhos.
Pois ento, é tempo de morango.

Todos sabem que o morango é a fruta do amor. A‰ também muito apreciado entre as mulheres. Sua forma de coraA§o e seu sabor delicioso fazem dele uma iguaria para as sobremesas dessa estaA§o.
Suas origens remontam A Europa, onde os verAµes amenos favorecem sua plantaA§o. Na Era Romana, o morango era valorizado por suas propriedades terapA?uticas. Os italianos o usavam como erva medicinal para tratar várias doenA§as. Mas, foram os franceses que comeA§aram a consumi-lo e os ingleses que o transformaram em produto popular, junto com os alemA?es e italianos. Aqui no Brasil, a fruta virou sucesso nos anos 60. Naquela época, era produzido só para consumir fresco, diferente de hoje em dia.

After reading the text, answer this question:

  1. Qual a melhor estaA§o para o morango?
    (What season is best for strawberry?)


  1. Como o morango é conhecido?
    (How is strawberry known for?)


  1. Quais so suas características?
    (What are its features?)


  1. De onde ele vem?
    (Where does it come from?)


  1. Onde as pessoas gostam de consumir morango fresco?
    (Where do people like to consume it fresh?)


  1. Como ele se tornou popular?
    (How did it become popular?)



Transform the sentences below into negative and interrogative forms:

  1. O que pode essa língua?
    (what is this language capable of?)
  1. __________________________________________________________________
  2. __________________________________________________________________
  1. Na escurido da noite ele sumiu?
    (Does he disappear in the darkness?)
  1. __________________________________________________________________
  2. __________________________________________________________________
  1. VocA? mora em Praga?
    (Do you live in Prague?)
  1. __________________________________________________________________
  2. __________________________________________________________________
  1. A gaveta está aberta?
  1. __________________________________________________________________
  2. __________________________________________________________________
  1. O engenheiro é francA?s?
  1. __________________________________________________________________
  2. __________________________________________________________________
  1. O dinheiro está no banco?
  1. __________________________________________________________________
  2. __________________________________________________________________
  1. Eles sabem falar portuguA?s?
  1. __________________________________________________________________
  2. __________________________________________________________________
  1. Ela sabe cantar MPB?
  1. __________________________________________________________________
  2. __________________________________________________________________
  1. A gente vai viajar no final de semana?
  1. __________________________________________________________________
  2. __________________________________________________________________
  1. O tanque está cheio de gasolina ou álcool?
  1. __________________________________________________________________
  2. __________________________________________________________________


We also have in Portuguese Question Words. They don’t have that WH feature as in English nor anything similar to relate it to, but some of them do have the QU in the beginning. It is not, though, a rule.
Take a look at them:

Onde where
Quem Who
Quando When
Como How
Quanto How much / How many
O que What


Now, make as many sentences as possible using our PALAVRAS INTERROGATIVAS (question words) for the sentences below:

  1. Eu vendo po e batata na feira.
    (I sell bread and potato at the market)


  1. VocA?s no querem comer o almoA§o.
    (you don’t want to eat lunch)


  1. A gente pode cantar o hino.
    (we can sing the anthem)


  1. Ele é repórter esportivo.
    (he is a sports reporter)


  1. Nós somos professores de portuguA?s.
    (we are Portuguese teachers)


  1. Eu assisto novela todo o dia.
    (I watch soap operas every day)


  1. VocA? viaja para a praia no vero.
    (you travel to the beach in the Summer)


  1. Ela vai ao cabeleireiro todos os sábados.
    (she goes to the hairdresser every Saturday)


  1. Nós vamos comer pizza na pizzaria.
    (we’re going to eat pizza at the pizzaria)


  1. VocA? corre e anda de bicicleta na rua.
    (you run and ride the bycicle in the street)




It is also somewhat like a modal verb. As in English, the verb PODER is followed by another verb in the infinitive to express a possibility: Eu posso VENDER¦

Regular verbs ending in ER usually follow the same rules for conjugation. Take a look at the verb VENDER “sell and then complete the table for the verbs:

Eu vendo
VocA? vende
Ele vende
Ela vende
A gente vende
Nós vendemos
VocA?s vendem
Eles vendem
Elas vendem




Complete the dialogue:

Diego: Bom dia!
Diego: Bem, obrigado. E vocA??
Diego: De onde vocA? é?
Diego: Sou do Espírito Santo.
Diego: Moro em Guarapari. E vocA??
Diego: No, no. Sou ator. E vocA??
Diego: Prazer em conhecA?-lo.
VocA?: Prazer
Diego: Tchau, tchau.

Dia – Spring is strawberry season in Brazil, which means that August to October we are able to find very juicy and delicious strawberries as well as very red ones.

Therefore, it is strawberry time.

Everyone knows strawberry is the love fruit. It is also very much appreciated among women. Its heart shape and its unique taste makes of it a specialty for this season.

Its origins are in Europe, where the soft Summer allows it to grow. Back in the Roman Period, the strawberry was valued for its therapeutical proprieties. The Italians used it as a medicine herb to treat many disturbances. But it was the French who started eating it and the English who turned it into a popular product, along with the German and the Italian. Here in Brazil, the fruit became a success in the sixties. Back then, it was only produced to be consumed fresh, unlike today.



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